MedITEX Version 4.0.3 (en)




a) Security

The database's existing password concept has been revised tofurther increase the level of security. Passwords of system users and usersrequired by CRITEX GmbH employees to ensure supportare now randomly generatedat regular intervals and additionally secured withtoken-based two-factorauthentication. Only authorized CRITEX GmbH employeeshave access to this token.In addition, the key for generating this token is renewed with each majorversion of MedITEX to further restrict unauthorized access.

A new input field for the token has been added to the loginscreen.


This field is required if two-factor authentication isactivated. If you do not use this feature, the field can be ignored.

For data protection reasons, the user completion functionhas been removed from the login screen.


b) General

MedITEX now also supports the Hungarian language. This canbe defined as usual under personal settings.


c) Inbox

In addition to the patient, the latest cycle can now also beopened directly from the inbox.

d) Demographics

The marital status 'widowed' has been added.

e) Cycle

The reason for no Embryo Transfer is no longer filled inautomatically in order to be able tomaintain the documentation correctly.

The fields that arecopied when a PID analysis is transferredhave been extended.


f) Cryo Storage

Male Cryopreservation: added the field “Sperm Source”


Oocyte/Embryo Cryopreservation

The two fields 'Eggand sperm source' have been revised. Theoptions 'Patient/donor' and'Partner/donor' are now available for both fields.

If the material from a cycleis frozen, these two fields arefilled automatically.

The two old fields “With: donor oocytes and donorsperm” arestill visible in the grid and correspond to the new fields “Eggsource” and“Sperm source”. “With: donor oocyte and donor sperm” can still be usedin thereport editor.

During SEC generation, the material type TESE is now alsochecked in order to generate the code even more appropriately

g) Report Editor

The egg and sperm origin of the respective Cycle can now also be queried in the Report Editor.

The Field- “Partner: Email address” can now be queried under“Persons”


2) MedITEXAccounting

Two new fields 'Purchaseprice' and 'Percentage of purchase'have been added to the prices forservices/materials. These can be displayedusing the Show/hide columns function.

The automatic billing items have been extended by the eventtype 'Scheduler -patient absent'

3) MedITEX Administration

Rights can now be assigned as to whether a user or user group is allowed to edit prescription templates or templates for cycle planning, as well as the demographic data in the appointment scheduler.

4) MedITEX Scheduler

Whether a treatment communicates with another application can now be viewed directly in the overview. This can be displayed using the Show/hide columns function.



a) General

  • File paths are now saved correctly again when the document is converted to PDF.
  • Error messages in the inbox have been fixed.
  • Fixed Translation: Mixing Ratio (in System Settings > Drugs).
  • BMI now displays the correct unit.

b) Report Editor

  • Links and queries work as usual again.
  • Letters with stored macros in the templates can now be created again.

c) Consent Forms

  • All linked Cycles are now displayed again in the consent forms.

d) Cryopreservation

  • Software crashes when thawing the last strain of a cryo contract are prevented.
  • Display errors in the SEC or SEC button have been fixed.

e) Donor

  • Deleting a partially used reserved sample no longer results in an error message.

f) Preferences

  • New entries in the system tables that are not visible now appear again as usual.

2) MedITEX Administration

  • Column names have been adjusted.

3) MedITEX Scheduler

  • New Column: Geocode (Domicile Code) is now available under All Appointments (NZ only).

4) MedITEX Accounting

  • The invoice area has been enlarged and now adapts to the window size.