MedITEX Version 3.0.1 (en)




a) General

Documents created from MedITEX can be linked to the inbox for special attention.

In the Settings → Configuration /administration → System → System tables → Inbox: message groups

→ you can add new tabs, additionally you can define which entry types should be displayed in the

respective tab.


b) Demographics

Added new validity checks for NHS numbers.


c) Cryo contracts and accountig

Placeholders for the patient's and partner's email addresses have been added to the cryocontract.


d) Consents

Added new bookmarks for Patient: Region and Partner: Region.

e) Examination

Several ultrasound images that are not assigned to any cycle can now be printed out onone page.

f) Cycle

When changing the transfer date, you are now warned that all individual entries inthe culture will be lost.


More than 15 follicles of each size can now be documented.



In addition to the planned additional measures, performed additional measures cannow be documented

in the cycle details as well. These are also displayed in the cycle overview.


g) Cryo storage

The column „Cycle: Survey ID has been added to the cryo storage. This can bedisplayed using the

show/hidecolumns function.



Added the new dropdown field “HFEA gamet source”, which should be filled if a sampleis imported

fromanother clinic.



2)  MedITEX Scheduler

The Anonymous ID is now displayed in the Scheduler.







a) General

Adjustments to the patient search have been made.

The keyboard shortcuts now work as usual again.

When adding the text blocks, the content isdisplayed correctly again.

The "Today" button is now available againin all date fields.

The date from the Start column in the QM fields hasbeen removed again.


b) Cycle

The creation time of the treatment sheet has beenimproved.

PNG files of embryo images in culture are nowproperly processed again.


c) Semen analysis

During the abstinence period, entering the number"0" is now also accepted.

Display adjustments in the overview of the semenanalysis have been made.


d) Demographics

The documentation of the health insurance companyand sponsors has been adjusted.

e) Report Editor

Fixed inconsistencies in the filter options.


f) Consents

The deletion behavior of consents has been revised.


g) Cryo contracts and accountig

Fixed error messages when creating cryo contracts.


h) System settings

Discrepancies in the system tables have been fixed.

2)  DocLink

The column "by staff" in theadministration is now also filled when the document is imported via DocLink.


3)  MedITEX Scheduler

Internal appointment templates cannow be used again as usual.