MedITEX Version 2.8.9 (en)



a) General

The semen analysis purpose is now displayed in theinbox too.

b) Semen analysis

If the WHO guide is changedfrom WHO AB to WHO A and WHO B separately, the data previously inserted in WHO AB would still be displayed in the relatedsemen analysis in addition to the overview.


c) Cycles

If “Thaw cycle” is selected as a treatment in cycle details, the checkbox “Freezeall” will be enabled.

d) Cryo thawing

The column “SEC” has been addedto the thawed samples overview.It can be displayed using the show/hide columns option.



a) General

The data exporter can now be used as usual again. Translations have been corrected.

b) Cycles

Adjustments have been made to the standard treatment sheet. Thawingis only possible withexisting frozen straws.

The option “PICSI”can now be selected in the cycledetails.


c) Planned cycles

Planned cycle templates with several free entries can nowbe saved.


d) Demographics

Missing information when moving the mouseover the patient is now displayed again.


e) Medical history

An error messagein the flexible medical history has been fixed.


f) Semen analysis

Further options are available in the field collection method when selecting“Semen analysis, diagnostics”

as a purpose.


g) Report editor

Yes/No columns in Report editorare now displayed correctly again.

It is now possible to create new queriesand switch to Word module tab without using MS Word.


h) Lists

Several adjustments have been made to the HFEA lists.

2)  MedITEX Scheduler

The scrollbar is now visible as usual again. Several inconsistencies have beenfixed.